Jennifer's Blog
Friday, April 27, 2007

Enjoying Saturdays

Sammie loves the camera!

Paul and Eliana laying in the soft grass.
Sammie couldn't miss out.
Finally the blanket comes out and we all join in.

Jennifer at 2:45 AM

Friday, April 06, 2007

My birthday

I didn't think of taking a picture of my
birthday cake until we all got a slice, but
here it is. It's funny how as you are married
longer and longer, you know your spouse so
well. I didn't even have to tell Paul what kind
of cake I wanted. He knew and ice cream
cake was it.

Jennifer at 3:33 AM

More Pictures of Spring

Jennifer at 3:28 AM

Pictures of spring in NC

If you're wondering why I included a picture of our old truck, it's because it is covered in pollen. If you haven't been to NC in the spring, the pine trees throw off a yellow pollen every year. It gives everything a yellow hue for about two weeks and then after a good rain, it all washes away.
Paul has been taking care of the lawn this year. He does an amazing job! So far, there aren't many weeds, unlike last year when we hired a "professional". I don't know how Paul does it, but everything he wants to do, he does well.
The bright pink flowers are azaleas (I don't know if I spelled that correct). They are VERY native to NC and come in almost every color imaginable. We have white, light and dark pink, red and lavender with a light pink throat (sounds like an infection).

Jennifer at 3:25 AM

Who turned out the lights

Having Paul around always makes life more fun!! He thinks of doing things that I would never think of, like putting bath letters all over Eliana. She couldn't care less.

Jennifer at 3:04 AM

32 years, 1 hour

Well, officially I am 32 years and 1 hour old. I actually feel a little sad to see this day come to an end. Paul, the girls, and my wonderful friends and family made it very special for me. I received more phone calls than I could answer, cards in the mail, a beautiful card from my husband, a priceless homemade card from Sammie and a great day of shopping! But the most important thing was I spent the day with my family!! I am truly blessed by them and they are soooo good to me. I even had one of our baby sitters baby sit for free so I could go out to the department store all by myself! What luxury!

Jennifer at 2:29 AM