Jennifer's Blog
Friday, May 22, 2009

More Pictures

Paul and Eliana in the aquarium.

Eliana brushing her hair in the restaurant.

Geert and Nico

Sammie carrying Nico.

Jeremy and Nico

Jennifer at 2:28 PM

Monday, May 18, 2009

Our visit with the van den Enden's

Here are the van den Enden's-a beautiful family inside and out.

...and here are the Decock's.
I had to laugh at the cross-eyed Nico. Geert snapped this picture at Carabba's Italian Grill in Myrtle Beach. The food was great and I was sitting beside the love of my life.

Sammie took this picture of Eliana. It looked a little sad to me...her just standing there staring out the window. But of course, we were just getting ready to go out to the beach so she was probably very excited and didn't even realize that Sammie was behind her.

Inge and I were out shopping for dresses for us. You see who ended up getting the dresses. We didn't mind because they looked so adorable walking around in matching dresses. From the left: Eliana, Amy, and Sammie.

Jennifer at 10:15 PM

Friday, May 15, 2009

Eliana's Patriotism

Eliana comes out of her room with an American flag. She is walking around the house, waving it and twisting it around her finger. Paul turns to her and says,
"Eliana, which flag is this?"
Eliana says,
"The McDonald's flag!"

Jennifer at 7:03 AM